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Soccer players have higher chance at dementia, says study

Soccer players have higher chance at dementia, says study

Soccer players are more likely to develop dementia over time, according to a study out of Sweden. The Lancet, an international weekly general medicine journal, published the findings from the Karolinska Institutet. Researchers reviewed the health records of over 6,000 players in the Swedish top division from 1924 to 2019. That was compared against over […]


/ 579 days ago

Soccer players have higher chance at dementia, says study

Soccer players are more likely to develop dementia over time, according to a study out of Sweden. The Lancet, an international weekly general medicine journal, published the findings from the Karolinska Institutet. Researchers reviewed the health records of over 6,000 players in the Swedish top division from 1924 to 2019. That was compared against over […]


/ 1176 days ago

English football heading guidance set for new season

London (AFP) – Guidance designed to limit the amount of heading players do in training will be introduced at all levels of English football next season, it was announced Wednesday. Clubs in the Premier League, Football League, Women's Super League and in all grassroots football, as well across all sections of the England set-up are […]


/ 2914 days ago

Heading footballs 'affects memory': study

London (AFP) – Heading a football can significantly affect a player's brain function and memory up to a day, a study by researchers at Scotland's Stirling University has said. Memory performance was reduced by between 41 percent to 67 percent following heading practice, according to the research, with the effects wearing off after 24 hours […]